Services in protection of trademarks Advisors on the highest competencies Law enforcement For deliberate and ready raids. Obtain all necessary approvals from the authorities to ensure that counterfeit commercial and individual agencies are seized. If not echoed. Handling of criminal and financial claims against counterfeit goods traders
Customs control Submit an application, on behalf of our clients, to do the Saudi Customs Control Service This service is intended to provide copies of all trademarks and registered trademarks or that have been requested on behalf of our customers in Saudi Customs Download all these brands in the computer system for customs Conduct an accurate monitoring service to monitor all similar trademarks, similar or similar trademarks or trademarks shipped to Saudi Arabia Provide follow-up management with customs in respect of seized products and their disposal
Test the purchase Conducting a public shopping activity against a suspicious channel in the market in order to check the commercial product and purchase samples to be sent to the laboratory Produce samples of authorities as proof against counterfeiters and imitators or to our customers for verification.